京都探訪 12/27-29 Women’s Art Retreat in Kyoto

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photo 3幸運な女性5名限定 気分は女性アーティスト まったり 
早割:12/15までのお申込みで ¥50,000
一日だけの参加、または宿泊の必要ない方の料金: 12/27 12:00〜21:00(夕食付き)¥12,000, 12/28 9:00〜20:00(夕食付き)¥15,000, 12/29 8:00〜12:00 (朝食付き)¥6,000, (昼食は外食で各自の支払いです)

お申込み:Eメールで lianewakabayashi@gmail.com またはリアンの携帯090-4122-6626まで


また、京都人がこよなく愛す画家加藤晃秀さんと20年以上前に共同制作した本、「Kyoto Romance」の中にある神社仏閣へと続く小路を、散策がてらたどります。

私たちが素敵な2晩を過ごすのは、アートスタジオ機能つきの家です。この家は京都の下町にあり、昔茶室として使われていた建物を細部にわたり復元した、近代的設備を兼ね備えた家です。 各日2-3時間のアートクラスのほか、朝食と夕食は豪華な料理をみんなで一緒に作ります。自由時間は京都を探訪したり、この時期ならではのフリーマーケットを回ったり、各自思い思いに過ごします。

Venue for first ever Genesis Art Women's retreat in Kyoto
Venue for first ever Genesis Art Women’s retreat in Kyoto


Arty Women’s Retreat and Kyoto Adventure
Sunday 12/27 to Tuesday 12/29
2 nights Accomodation, four workshops,
four home-cooked delicious meals–¥60,000
Register by 12/15 ¥50,000
Day rates for full or partial participation (without accommodation):
12/27 12:00〜21:00(dinner included)¥12,000,
12/28 9:00〜20:00(dinner included)¥15,000,
12/29 8:00〜12:00 (breakfast included)¥6,000,

For inquiries, to request a full schedule of activities or to register: lianewakabayashi@gmail.com or call Liane at 090-4122-6626

Come join a small group of awesome creative women as we explore together Kyoto through artist’s eyes. This workshop, as always, will be a deep yet relaxing immersion in Genesis intuitive art techniques, with a special focus on drawing native Kyoto people, antique buildings, garden settings, and interior drawings from the beautiful teahouse which we will call home. Beginners are welcome!

We will also be retracing the steps to temples and walking paths described in my book, Kyoto Romance, co-written more than 20 years ago with one of Kyoto’s most beloved painters, Teruhide Kato.
Our home and fully equipped art studio for two fabulous nights will be a fully restored antique former tea house — with every modern convenience, in downtown Kyoto. Besides four workshops, we’ll be cooking Kyoto-inspired dinners and breakfast together. Also enjoy plenty of free time to explore Kyoto and the wonderful flea markets this time of year at your own pace.

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