Origami Family Collage Workshop

Origami Family Collage: Think Outside the Box with the Genesis Cards

Do have a dream for family life that calls for a calm, clear-headed, step by step action plan? In this Genesis Art Workshop, suited to beginners new to the Genesis Cards, you’ll learn a collage technique that leads to the creation of beautiful works of art encoded with colors and labels that represent specific aspects of the family life you want to shine a light upon.

What makes this workshop unique is that you’ll have an opportunity to create your uplifting collage in the presence of a loved one and talk from a position of intuitive wisdom– as it expresses itself clearly and elegantly in your collage.

See your family dynamics, which are inseparable from the way you see yourself, in a more expansive, loving way. Revising an ingrained perspective can be very tough when you work at changing your thinking through words and thoughts alone. But in combination with art and the Genesis Cards, experience how your own creativity can be a potent medium of change.

The workshop starts by choosing origami colors for each family member. Include yourself and everyone else in your immediate family. Cut a corner of each paper and label on the back the name of that family member. From here on, your origami paper isn’t just a piece of paper. Positioning, size, overlap, and cutting each origami color becomes an intuitive exercise to appreciate the role that each family member plays in your life–however hard it may have been to understand until now.

The first half of the workshop is devoted to completing your collage, the second half to exploring what the collage actually means. This family collage can serve you in weeks and months to come as an action plan to reset your relationships in a most wonderful and loving direction.
Genesis Collage Workshop

The next origami family collage will take place at Genesis Art Center in Okachimachi on Sunday March 13 from 1 pm to 5 pm .

Location: Wakabayashi Heim 2nd floor, 2-26-8 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo. Near Okachimach JR station and also Ginza, Hibya, Oedo lines.

Special discount workshop fee for two family members: ¥5,000 for first two people. ¥1,000 for each additional family member. To allow for a truly relaxing time for collage making followed by partner and group discussion, this workshop runs for four hours with a 20 minute break in the middle.

Owing to the family theme of this workshop, space is limited to couples and family members only.

This origami collage workshop, is based on making your own collage in conjunction with the 44 Genesis Cards which are on sale at this workshop for a discount price ¥2500. Regularly: ¥3,000.

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