Flight of the Power Animal


There’s an exercise we do at the zoo for drawing our “power animal” and it’s surprising to see what animals that artists unconsciously choose to guide them back to recognition of the immensity of their intuitive awareness.

Here’s one beautiful story about how an artist drew flamingos after circling the zoo looking for a “stronger” animal to represent her power. After shopping around—so to speak—she ended up drawing the original flamingos.

Flamingos are symbolically rich in feminine and emotional meaning and with their long graceful necks have a lot to say about how we express ourselves from the throat.

I asked the artist if recently she’s been seeing  flamingo in other areas of her life. She laughed at the preposterous notion that there would be flamingos in her urban neighborhood but then her face suddenly changed in recognition that she had in her closet a bag that looked like a flamingo and the shoulder strap actually looked pink like the neck of the bird

Genesis Art Workshop Online
Genesis Art Workshop Online

… Here’s her lovely story:

Thank you for the fantastic session! I’ll share the memory about the flamingo bag below as I can recall it. Well, I chose to buy this eccentric bag (see below) at the advice of a kinesiology reader. Kinesiology  is a way to access our subconscious mind through subtle muscle responses. I do kinesiology myself, but I also like to receive a reading at the start of each year to seek guidance. And from last year “Oshare na kaban” – a stylish bag was suggested as lucky for me. I’m a very private person and don’t like to call attention to myself so I was surprised to hear this! Without that guidance, it was very unlikely for me to buy this sort of flamingo bag. In fact, I didn’t use it for one year  until finally this summer for the first time. And when I happened to pick it up in the closet yesterday morning after choosing the flamingo to draw in the park, I thought to myself “Wow.” And I used the bag yesterday!

Moral of the story: What we welcome and draw toward us is what we unconsciously draw on paper.

flamingo_bagThe next Drawing at the Zoo workshop makes place this Sunday from 10:00-12:30.

Location: Starbucks Cafe meeting point in front of Ueno Zoo

Workshop Fee: ¥2500 (park entrance ¥600)

To sign up: email liane@axel.ocn.ne.jp or call 090-4122-6626

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