Cultivating the Inner Smile

Liane with self-portrait drawn from imagination
Liane with self-portrait drawn from imagination

Make a self-portrait that you will just love hanging on your wall!

Self-Portraiture is such a pleasure when you realize that you don’t need a mirror to catch a likeness of who you really are.

This is one of my favorite exercises, as it reaches to the heart of Genesis Art –cultivating the inner smile. This smile that we offer ourselves can be like a cure for the parts of our lives that need a bit more kindness, light and understanding.

Join me this Sunday November 6 when you’ll have a chance to draw not only yourself without a mirror, but your partner for this exercise.

dscf4226As always, you’ll have plenty of time to talk and share deeply of life through randomly chosen Genesis cards. These cards are like amplifiers from the soul, opening us up to speak from the heart about the things in life that matter. As we focus on our creative selves, this is your time to let go of every other concern and recharge yourself with bright colors and feelings of well being. And while doing so, you may step out into Okachimachi’s warren of streets with a smile, new friends, and the memory of their wonderful smiles.


Location: Genesis Art Studio 2-26-8 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Phone: 090-4122-6626

Time: 1:00-4:00

Fee: ¥3,000

For reservations: email





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