Ready to turn your photos of cherry blossoms into paintings?

Genesis ArtIf you’re like me, you have countless photographs of sakura. How can we not resist the temptation to snap away? And yet what becomes of those photographs? Well, I think I’ve found a happy solution–paint them!

Come join me for a relaxing few hours where I’ll show you a technique for painting flowers that will blow your mind. If you thought it impossible to draw sakura or any flower for that matter in a beautiful way, this technique you’ll learn in a matter of minutes will open up the world of painting nature like never before.

For this session please bring 3-6 of your favorite photos of sakura and a B4 Sketchpad. The rest-paints, palettes, brushes and light snacks are provided.

Limit: six participants. Fee: ¥3,000 for two hour session

To register: email or call 080-7743-8531

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