An Important Announcement

22554987_10156212894421756_919567096553509288_nThis week I don’t know what makes me happier. That I became a new Israeli citizen or that after months of being locked out of this website I found the elusive password! Both bring tears of joy to my eyes.

Seriously, now that I am back in the wordpress saddle, I’d like to tell you about what’s ahead as I shift gears after 30 years in Japan to a new life with my kids in Jerusalem.

Genesis Art Workshops will continue as before. You can still do online private sessions internationally with me as a way of developing your intuitive art skills and take precious time out to refocus, recharge, and concentrate your energy on painting and drawing from the world within. Now with so much of our attention gobbled up by the world-without — social media, online news, youtube and the like — we need more than ever the tools and discipline to help us return back to our true self. This self is incredibly resourceful and creative, given the chance to demonstrate it’s stuff. If you are curious, I’m offering from now until December 31st, a special online one hour introduction to Genesis Art: one hour for $50, regularly $70.

If you have the Genesis Cards, and even if you don’t, this one hour session will give you an opportunity to focus on a creative goal you want to achieve in the months and even years ahead. You’ll take a few minutes before we speak to draw a colorful sketch, following simple instructions I’ll send to you, and then over the session, you’ll learn techniques to interpret what you’ve drawn in ways that help you move into high gear and take action.

As someone who has just left Japan after 30 years, I can tell you how elated I feel to have realized a dream that I have drawn over and over in my art, which was to move to Israel. Drawing what you love brings it closer to you. I’d be thrilled and honored to show you how.

Private session are offered Sunday through Thursday at times throughout the day and evening. Please contact me with specific time and date requests at

Love from Liane from our new home in Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem

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