Let It Be — A Beginner’s Mind to Making Art the Intuitive Way

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Director of Jerusalem Artist Circle Leorah Parker


Lev Ari Ilan

Fayge LeBow


Sunday March 8, 2020


What happens when you let go of expectations and draw with a free mind?

Amazing things surface on the paper.

You may not know what they are. You needn’t either.

Among the Jerusalem Artist Circle members who participated at the second workshop devoted to learning the methods of cosmic artist Sachiko Adachi, some came from the previous session. Some came with professional art backgrounds, others were creatives in other fields who were drawing with colored pens for the first time in a very long time. Whatever their background, the results were beautiful, as artists let go of self-judgment and drew spontaneously following a few simple guidelines.

When you draw with a mind emptied of thought, led by the feeling “Let it be!” your subconscious mind takes over to produce harmonious pictures.

One of our participants wrote me afterward to say that a foot pain she’d been carrying all week went away by the time the workshop ended.

She was surprised and asked me if there’s a connection between art and this spontaneous healing.

I don’t know. I can’t say for sure. But what I can say from experience is that art created with a free mind puts us into a state of relaxation, or “flow,” and in scientific language, it’s called the alpha state. This is the state of being when the body can best repair itself. And even if we never experience spontaneous healing as Nechama Sarah did with her foot, we can go deeply into feeling so relaxed that a session of drawing with a free and open mind leaves us refreshed and eager for the next session–as much for the art as for the good feelings it produces within.

The techniques presented in this workshop come from an approach I learned from Sachiko Adachi, who explains them in detail in her  book, To Live As We Are.  To find out about our next workshop in Jerusalem, please email me at lianewakabayashi@gmail.com


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